The Best of Sherlock Holmes


Sherlock Holmes Story Rankings from All Polls

(sorted by 1999 rankings)


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Title 1944 1954 1959 1989 1999* Avg.
SPEC 1 1 1 1 1 1
REDH 3 2 2 2 2 2
SCAN 2 3 5 5 3 3
SILV 4 4 3 6 4 4
BLUE 25 6 3 4 5 6
MUSG 6 5 6 3 6 5
FINA 8 13 12 8 7 9
EMPT 9 9 10 11 8 10
DANC 5 9 9 7 9 7
SIXN 14 11 8 12 10 11
BRUC 10 7 7 9 11 8
TWIS 33 16 12 13 12 17
THOR 58 33 23 58 13 20
DEVI 12 24 14 10 14 13
NAVA 27 15 11 14 14 15
CHAS 14 27 15 58 16 18
SECO 11 14 20 15 17 15
PRIO 18 8 19 58 18 13
COPP 33 24 26 58 19 27
SOLI 22 37 42 58 20 29
ABBE 28 18 28 58 21 24
LAST 21 30 17 58 22 21
FIVE 7 12 18 58 23 12
GREE 23 19 24 58 24 24
DYIN 17 22 27 58 25 24
NORW 30 20 16 58 26 21
ILLU Case 38 29 58 27 32
BLAC 19 35 36 58 28 29
BOSC 30 20 22 58 29 27
CARD 35 22 31 58 30 32
LION Case 57 39 58 31 37
GLOR 25 36 57 58 32 35
ENGR 13 24 25 58 33 21
CROO 57 57 57 58 34 46
IDEN 57 32 42 58 35 41
3GAR Case 40 29 58 36 35
SHOS Case 57 31 58 37 37
REDC 36 57 36 52 38 41
REIG 19 30 38 58 38 31
CREE Case 57 33 58 40 41
YELL 57 57 57 58 41 46
LADY 57 41 40 58 42 46
WIST 23 57 57 58 43 37
RESI 57 33 57 58 44 41
NOBL 57 57 57 58 45 46
SUSS Case 57 33 58 46 41
RETI Case 57 57 58 47 46
BERY 28 29 35 58 48 32
3STU 32 27 41 58 49 37
GOLD 14 17 21 58 50 19
BLAN Case 57 57 58 51 53
MISS 57 41 57 55 52 53
MAZA Case 57 57 53 53 46
STOC 57 38 57 58 54 46
VEIL Case 57 57 54 55 53
3GAB Case 57 57 56 56 53


Randall Stock, "The Best of the Best" The Baker Street Journal, December 1999, p. 32. This is the complete version of Table 2.


1944 Poll Notes


1954 Poll Notes
Stories listed at "57" received no positive votes but were eligible.


1959 Poll Notes
Stories listed at "57" received no positive votes but were eligible.


1989 Poll Notes
Stories listed at "58" were ranked between 16-51, but specific scores and rankings were not available for these stories.


Avg. Notes
As discussed in the related article, scores from each poll were standardized by expressing them as a percentage of each poll's total points. The average percentage was calculated from all the stories with known scores. These average percentage scores were then sorted and the results are listed in the "Avg." column.



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