The Best of Sherlock Holmes


Publisher Ordering Information


The Baker Street Irregulars

Ordering info:

The e-Baker Street Journal Version 2

The Baker Street Journal on CD


Baker Street Miscellanea

Ordering info: Donald Pollock, 521 College Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY 14305.  Buyers outside the U.S.A. may also pay using PayPal and should contact Don at <> for details.

The Complete Baker Street Miscellanea


The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box

Ordering info:

The e-SHJ (Electronic Sherlock Holmes Journal

The Index to Canadian Holmes

Sherlockian Heraldry


Pollock, Donald [Private publisher]

See above for Baker Street Miscellanea


The Sherlock Holmes Society of London

Ordering info:

The e-SHJ (Electronic Sherlock Holmes Journal)



Index of Products Listed in The e-World of Sherlock Holmes


The following e-products are covered on this site.  Titles are listed in order by this site's reference number, regardless of product category.  All items are issued on CD-ROM unless noted otherwise.


E1001.  The Baker Street Journal on CD.

E1002.  e-SHJ: The Sherlock Holmes Journal on CD.

E1003.  Canadian Holmes (Index) by Donald A. Redmond.

E1004.  Sherlockian Heraldry by John Brousch.

E1005.  The Complete Baker Street Miscellanea.

E1006.  The e-Baker Street Journal Version 2 (DVD).






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